Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Monday, March 29, 2004

Just a small entry, but I had to share with someone.
After a long day of strolling around, ( it was like summer here in Portland today, 75 degrees!) playing with mama and daddy,being cooed and gootchie good at, Spencer was defintley down for the count, but as is the way when he gets too tired he put up a bit of a fight at the end, ( about a minute worth of crying out that translated to "You and daddy MUST be doing something fun without me!") a few last minute high pitched squeals then
all was quiet, after finishing tonight's dinner dishes I slipped back into put his favorite Snoopy blankie on him and make sure Elmo was close by for midnight secrets and hugs.
My final thought : Well, is there anything more precious than seeing your little one asleep? When I covered him, I also pulled him away from the crib bumper ( although he is past the SIDS high risk age..well I'm his mama! I still worry! )
He just kind of sighed and rolled over, giving Elmo a nice big hug.
Moments like that erase amillons and millons of poopy diapers,grumpy attitudes and trying to stand on the tv bookshelf AGAIN.
okay.. just a thought about our little beloved man.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Long time no see everyone.
I aplogize on behalf of our computer, which is about ready to hit the boneyard if you catch my drift.
even now, I'll see how much I can get out, and cross my fingers.
Maybe I should get Spencer interested in computer programming.
Watch out comes Mr. Spencer L. Kautt-Smith!
Well, Spencer is now 10 months old (!!!) and into everything!
We have childproofed the house in every imaginable way, but somehow he always manages to get get somewhere near something he probably shouldn't no matter what. I know that you can't over safetynet the house, it would be like living in a plastic there's an idea.
I jest.
So far ( cross those fingers yet again ) he has only recieved a tiny bruise on the noggin from attemtping to scale a table a little too large for his standing prowless, and he seemed to learn pretty well from that.
I told him that he was pretty inconsiderate for hurting the poor table like that.
He is ventruing to try something new in the culinary arena everyday and whenb Chris made me a pre birthday breakfast ( he has to work on that day! ) SPencer was more than happy to try the french toast daddy had prepared. as i Have said in numerous enteries, he is always willing to try anything, and almost always bangs his little high chair tray for more.
I believe I told you that he was very interested in the in/out game and that has elavated to the " Hide this mama, I know that I can find it!" game, not to be outdone of course by the age old favorite of "Look! I can throw this on the floor!Again and again!" and although I am sure that he would enjoy playing that game for longer amounts of time, it dosent' seem to make it past say three or four mintues at a time.
No new words, pleanty of Da Da Da Da and buh buh buh buh, but still no...well I'm sure you know what I am waiting for him to say.
Well as I am never too sure how long I am going to be alloted to stay on the computer I will close, thank you for coming back, and being paitent.
I promice not to let you out on any big mile stones.
take care all....

Friday, March 05, 2004

I forgot something I defintely wanted to mention about Mr. Spencer Louis Kautt-Smith concerning his vocabulary.
I'm not sure if it's from Chris and I always asking him questions ( i.e. "Does Spencer like his dinner?" "Is Spencer having fun?" etc. ) and then always saying "Yeah?, He is? Well good, good!"
The point being that he loves to just say "yeah yeah yeah" over and over again,smiling real big, hands usually failing in the air.
I mean we haven't played a lot of Beatles for him yet.(ha)
He tried noodles today for the first time, loved it.
The doctor said I could just feed him only breastmilk, but
the solids it's so fun..and he likes so many.
I promiced to be careful though, it could be easy to go onto overload I know.
No prime rib and lobster tails yet.
He'll have to ait until mama and daddy can get that.
SO around the time he's say....25.
and famous?
and taking us out to dinner.
Okay, just wanted to add that little note.
good day all, I'll hug Spencer for you.
: D

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Oi vey...what a long day.
I knew that it was goingto be a rough one, Spencer woke up about an hour earlier than usual (after being somewhat cranky last night) and it just seemed to be one fun little new mother adventure after the other...
1. poopy diaper that looked like a prop from "appocalypse now".
(maybe I should sell it on e-bay) who didn't want to hold still to get out of aforementioned diaper. who seemed to have aquired situational deafness when it came to me saying no about anything.
Then there is the doctors visit ,which went fine, Spencer is healthy as a horse, but his growing has finally evened out...he is 22lbs. and 22 inches...could he be more perfect?
I think not!
But it's always a wake up call to how lucky we are to have a healthy baby when we go to Dorenbechers, ( our hospital, one of the best in the nation for children)
there are children there with serious illnesses, and well suffice it to say that it's depressing.
But also somewhat inspiring, the too always seem to have smiles on their faces,and as mentioned before it helps you realize how lucky you are.
and how an appocolyptic diaper
isn't really anything.
not the first, not the last.
So I guess it weighs out about 50/50 but it dosne't stop your heart from hurting.
Spency man also had his blood drawn for lead posining and anemia, a routine check up but still....those little heart strings of mine are weak tonight.
Plus it tires us all out...we walked around when we got home like zombies just released from the ..zombie loony bin? yeah, right jennifer.
see the effects haven't worn off yet.
time for coffee!
: )

Anyway Spencer is healthy happy and thankfully at the moment asleep.
take care all.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Well now, Spencer is asleep.
With moving around so much, we both hit the hay easily,and pretty hard.
Tommorrow is a well visit for Spencer, we will get to see how much he weighs,how tall he is, and how he matches up in milestone progression.
I think he'll pass.(heh)
He has to weigh about 27lbs. now, at least,and as far as height I think he's exactly where he should be.
He certainly eats enough...recently I have started making him mini pizzas..whole wheat english muffins with red sauce,very finely shredded mozerella, and tonight we tried it with creamed spinach on top as well. He loved it...I tell you he has such an agreeable palette!
As well as never cease to amazes me how happy he is.
I love to see him waking up from his morning nap, the defintion of bright eyed and bushy tailed, a huge smile on his face, a laugh, and arms out streched for mmama to pick him up and see what's goin on!
He's so happy to just be alive and loved, something we should all consider being greatful for everyday when the trials and tribulations that seem SO BIG try and take us over.
He loves to hear "Do a dear a female dear,re a drop of golden sun...etc."
A simple song...brings squeals.
And to see mama or daddy make a silly "duhhhh" face...oh that's the BEST!
My angel..he can be a little devil sometimes, but all the following me down the hall and shutting any door available,moving away from his toys and to the fireplace,t.v.,or stove never changes the always blossiming love I feel for him.
okay folks I'm getting sappy.
I'll let you know about the well visit tommorrow.
I'll give Spency a kiss from all of you. : )
And wild is right!
I know that I have mentioned that he is standing up but now he can pull himself up on almost anything, and those first little steps are taking place.
he can cruise to get the remote from the couch even!
what a guy.
everything else is fine,and I have to keep this short because there is a little boy who wants
very much to cruise around the lving room instead of sit in his play pen while mama checks her e-mail.
more later I promice, sorry it's been so long since an update.
okay...more later!