Alert the Press! Press the Alert! Spencer got a Haircut!
(and decided to fufill his destiny as a superhero)
Oh it's got to be a dreaded moment in every family. The day when all previous negotiations about getting ones hair cut ( or "trimmed" or "fixed" as they suggest you label it to the young ones) are called off. Having tried to get Spencer to get his golden curly locks cut about....well I believe the term umpteenth works here, time we finally said at home or the great clips. ONE OR THE OTHER. A Dory ( from 'Finding Nemo') flashlight was promised post haircut, and a very frazzled mama and daddy pretty much held you precious grandson,nephew, favorite little guy down and buzzed away. After much ado ( ahem, yeah that's a nice way of putting it...yeah....) he settled down and eventually learned to love his new lockless look. We hope you agree, as you might be his caregiver after someone calls child services having heard his....well his "ado" about his do. Above ( and yes, yes, yes, I am STILL getting the hang of uploading pictures...) are the after and before.
Despite all the trauma he still seems pretty happy, no?
Also, as noted about I recently found out that I indeed have a superhero, Superboy that is on my hands. His duties, ( as sometimes relayed in a bedtime story written by your truly ) are to help kittens to remember to look both ways before crossing the street, to remind children not to be afraid of the dark, and to help mamas and daddies all over the world find lost toys ( namely cars and trucks usually hidden in a deep dark hole that requires Superboy to use his Superflashlight in order to find ...okay so he added that part...) before their children wake up.
All in all pretty brilliant stuff for a three year old to manage before he wakes up. ( Oh yeah he does this all after I put him to sleep )
Lately fave activities have been playing with cars, and playing with cars in mud.LOTS of mud.
He also loves doing jigsaw puzzles and talking in great length about the solar system. Often he refers to himself as baby Peep, or baby Duckie. These poor winged babes are always sick and in need of much birdfood. Go figure. He does eat like a horse, one day eating 4, count em, 4 bananas and a myriad of other foods.
More later....school is starting soon, so I'm sure there will plenty to share, until then...
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