Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Thursday, February 16, 2006

One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater

Okay, so he has two eyes, nary a horn, can't fly, and to the best of my knowledge hasn't eaten anybody. But Wednesday morning, our favorite 2 1/2 year old was indeed purple. Chris awoke me yesterday with a slightly bemused "Jen come here, you gotta see this." There was no alarm in his voice so I preceded to Spencer's bedroom with no great expendiency,just a bit groggy. Upon my arrival Spencer called out to me " I'm A DALMATION!" That is if dalmations were covered(stomach, arms, legs, and FACE) with squiggly purple Sharpie lines. A large portion of the crib was also apart of Spencer's newly born litter, as well as the wall, his sheet, his pj's and his lovey "Cody", who is now a cross breed of Labrador and dalmation. In addition Spencer also gave himself a 40's style glove,( imagine a very long, elegant, silken "evening" glove) his entire forearm was covered. Not just a few random lines, but no visible skin showing covered.He was very proud of himself and his Pollac like creation. The pen in question, as I mentioned was a Sharpie,( nice and permanent, but thankfully non toxic) and used nightly to mark off the calendar, an activity that became routine in December when we counted the days off until Christmas. I'm still having a hard time envisioning him gaining access to said pen, as it was on his dresser, which in my head at least is too placed too far away from his crib for him to reach. I guess this little incident has proved me wrong. It pains me to think of him leaning out that far to get to it, but I sure would have liked to see his expression while he was doing it. He must have had so much fun. Had I been up I could have investigated, as my awareness to too much quiet coming from a room where a child is more than likely awake means that more than likely trouble is brewing. Still, I would have loved to see my little artist at work. He's only 2 1/2 and already he's had his first tattoos. And a sleeve no less!
After a bit of scrubbing, ( okay a lot ) and my approval that Spencer did not look like he had just stepped out of a tattoo parlor, we went to Spencer's FIRST MOVIE! ( in a theater of course ) The cinematic choice for this monumental outing was Curious George,( a character I might add that Spencer has adored long before the hype) and great fun was had by all. He was a bit sandwiched in the seat ( I didn't think that he woulnd't be heavy enough ) but after the retrieval of a booster seat, he decided that mamma's lap was the best place for optimal viewing. At the beginning of the movie he threw both hands in the air and shouted "YAY!" ( cuteness factor : 11 ) and about 20 minutes into the film decided that mamma's lap should be in the front row/floor in order to really " take in" all the cinematic elements. That only lasted about 10 minutes ( thank goodness ) and we returned to our seats- where Spencer stayed happily watching ( and occasionally commenting ) the man with the "Big Yellow Hat" ( something that is explained in the movie..An aspect I enjoyed) eventually realize that friends are more important than making an impression on the public. Much popcorn was eaten, a juicebox emptied and upon the ending of the movie, a very emotion filled cry of "I wanna see it AGAIN!" from Mr. Kautt-Smith. It was beautiful.
The day was finished off by watching wheel of fortune, an activity that must take place everyday as it is Spencer's fave show. He watches Dora, Mr.Rodger's,Blue's Clue's sometimes but ALWAYS Wheel of Fortune. He calls out "T!"( which is usually a part of the puzzle and is probably pretty rewarding) and then "Q!" which on the otherhand....dosen't show up to often.
You gotta love him for trying.
As if you needed another reason.
Okay more later faithful fans
until then, lock up your never know what could happen.


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