One more thing....
someone, some jaded 5 or 6 year old must have told spencer about santa claus's true identity!
I jest, I don't think they have, it's only a theory, but Spencer has started picking up several gifts aquired this Christmas and saying, with a clever all knowing look in his eye "Mamma (and or Daddy ) brought me thissssss!"
Our the toddlers of this generation already cynical.
Let's cross our fingers and hope that's not the case in the mean time I have concocted several explanations about the ligitimacy of our bearded friend, one stating that I don't even know where they sell the specific toys he got for Christmas, I can't fit down the chimney or steer a sleigh with reindeer ( that aspect of the gift delivery remains intact) and finally, the hurt Santa would feel if Spencer didn't know he brought his gifts.
He still seems pretty sure that mamma and daddy brought his gifts. It might be time to dress Chris up in the ole Santa outfit.....
someone, some jaded 5 or 6 year old must have told spencer about santa claus's true identity!
I jest, I don't think they have, it's only a theory, but Spencer has started picking up several gifts aquired this Christmas and saying, with a clever all knowing look in his eye "Mamma (and or Daddy ) brought me thissssss!"
Our the toddlers of this generation already cynical.
Let's cross our fingers and hope that's not the case in the mean time I have concocted several explanations about the ligitimacy of our bearded friend, one stating that I don't even know where they sell the specific toys he got for Christmas, I can't fit down the chimney or steer a sleigh with reindeer ( that aspect of the gift delivery remains intact) and finally, the hurt Santa would feel if Spencer didn't know he brought his gifts.
He still seems pretty sure that mamma and daddy brought his gifts. It might be time to dress Chris up in the ole Santa outfit.....
At 3:33 PM,
Liz said…
Sounds like a good idea for a pre-Christmas "surprise" next year, if Santa visits him. So what if he bears familiar resemblance to Daddy? ;)
At 3:57 PM,
Liz said…
I tried this yesterday and it didn't take. I can see you're the proudest mama ever and I enjoy reading about Spencer, so keep it up!
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