I know, long time no blog.
I hope not, my tolerance for all capital letters is short.
Well, since the incident of the purple sharpie, Spencer has landed himself a new bed. A firetruck bed no less. As you can see the dangerous, yet glamourous life of a firefighter makes Spencer very happy indeed. This wonderful shot was taken during a field trip at school where Spencer attempted to comindere a firetruck to what ends, I'm not sure, but appeaently he had his mind set on driving back to daycare! But back to the bed, at first it was a bit of a challenge, the transisition period bringing about a week of " I don't feel well,I'd feel better if I lay right here!" ( the couch ) One evening was spent staying up until 11:00 pm. ACCCHHH! But when a nightlight was introduced ( although I don't his getting up was based on fear, I think it had more to do with the fact that his new bed alloted him a long coveted freedom in which to roam) and then used as somewhat of a trump card ( i.e. "Obviously you can't sleep because the nightlight is keeping you up, we had better take it out." ) things have been going smoother than they ever have, the whole getting to bed experience an easy one. Granted, at 6:45 he comes in to our bedroom joyfully crying out "Candy Gram!" ( he's never seen the SNL skit, but still loves the idea) but all in the Kautt-Smith household are happy with his new aquisition.
So, yes he's into firetrucks, trains (again, full steam ahead so to speak) constructing elabrote train tracks for them to carry passengers to the hotels and shops we make from Mega Blocks. He is also enjoying singing, mainly Harold the Helicopter and Rockin on the Railway- both MUCH listened to Thomas the Train songs..but he also loves "I like to Move It Move It" and "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson. I tell ya they had American Idol: Toddler Addition I'd sign him up in a heartbeat. He is so articulate ( despite the evidence heard or not heard by those who have communicated with him on the phone ) and has an amazing memory. we have also been doing a lot of art work, his favorite medium: play dough and finger paints- apart and seperate. he can sit in front of the play dough for what seems like forever, and just sing, building "hair" for his trains and again, making play dough tracks for said buffounted trains. He made a duck for me tonight. It soon became a duck sans head, which morphed into a donkey. I've got a Hogwarts hopeful on my Muggle hands!
He is being a little bi-polar, which I am assured from many is quite standard for little ones at his age, but it can be unerving. His recent declaration, to anyone and everyone "He/She is MADDDD AT ME!" i have, really no idea where this stems from, but oh with the explaining. I suppose he just loves to hear, over and over again that everyone is in fact, in love with him and not mad at him. Then of course an explanation of what it's really like when someone is mad at you follows, so he should have that emotion down pat by soon. Hopefully he has only moved on to that one as he knows full well the bliss that is happiness. I can hardly blame him for starting to figure out people early, I just wish I could tell him that at a certain age you can master the skill of reading people 100%.
Anywho, a lot has been going on I could probably write a novelette about what has happened in the last two months.
But I must keep it short..school school school. sigh.
A few more things though,
(1) he loves to be called mama's little fox or baby fox or Foxy.
(2) he also loves to give or recieve "foxy fingers" which is a varation of tickling you would have to see to understand.
(3) has started to learn how to "hoolie hoop".
(4) Digs going to OMSI ( Oregon Museum of Science and Industry ) we finally broke down and got a membership so he is one happy camper.
Okay more later on out little foxy.
take care
p.s. I just wish he would smile a little more for the camera.
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