Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Friday, March 05, 2004

I forgot something I defintely wanted to mention about Mr. Spencer Louis Kautt-Smith concerning his vocabulary.
I'm not sure if it's from Chris and I always asking him questions ( i.e. "Does Spencer like his dinner?" "Is Spencer having fun?" etc. ) and then always saying "Yeah?, He is? Well good, good!"
The point being that he loves to just say "yeah yeah yeah" over and over again,smiling real big, hands usually failing in the air.
I mean we haven't played a lot of Beatles for him yet.(ha)
He tried noodles today for the first time, loved it.
The doctor said I could just feed him only breastmilk, but
the solids it's so fun..and he likes so many.
I promiced to be careful though, it could be easy to go onto overload I know.
No prime rib and lobster tails yet.
He'll have to ait until mama and daddy can get that.
SO around the time he's say....25.
and famous?
and taking us out to dinner.
Okay, just wanted to add that little note.
good day all, I'll hug Spencer for you.
: D


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