Mommy Predicts Future! ( film at 11:00 )
Well brocoli was tried with cheese and all were happy.
Also discovered are "fish nuggets" (that's for the gourmet crowd of course)
a tasty treat that had one Spencer Louis squealing at the top of his lungs for more.Ahh the easy to please...all my years in the food industry, if only I would have been able to say to a displeased customer.." Well sir, why don't you have try the fish nuggets..they're quite chewy!"
He is now learned how to pull himself up in his crib ( bye bye Winnie the Pooh mobile.. :( ) and on just about anything else ( stable or not) in the house. He is so proud of himelf..looking for applause everytime he makes it up.I am sure it can be a bit disheartening when all he gets is an exasparated, scared look from his mother...but I am proud of him...he has the will of his mother and father combined and sees everyday as a new challenge...and in a way that only babies and children alone can see...these challenges are exciting and anew every morning... no Mondays are dreaded, no due dates on when to learn how to say mama.
Not to mention being on eyelevel with past cheerios and lint..everyday has an eliete menu planned in advance.
Well that's about it this Sunday morning, this week does bring a new challenge for the whole crew...Chris and I are going out for the first time in 8 and 1/2 months..( Chris' birthday ) and it will be his first night sans mama and daddy.i look forward to it and dread it at the same time.
I'll fill you in on pre-game and post game.(ha)
I'll also take the liberty to assume that all of you would like me to hug and kiss spencer for you. I will gladly add to the 1,000,000,000 hugs and kisses he recieves from mama and daddy.
until later spencerfiles!
Well brocoli was tried with cheese and all were happy.
Also discovered are "fish nuggets" (that's for the gourmet crowd of course)
a tasty treat that had one Spencer Louis squealing at the top of his lungs for more.Ahh the easy to please...all my years in the food industry, if only I would have been able to say to a displeased customer.." Well sir, why don't you have try the fish nuggets..they're quite chewy!"
He is now learned how to pull himself up in his crib ( bye bye Winnie the Pooh mobile.. :( ) and on just about anything else ( stable or not) in the house. He is so proud of himelf..looking for applause everytime he makes it up.I am sure it can be a bit disheartening when all he gets is an exasparated, scared look from his mother...but I am proud of him...he has the will of his mother and father combined and sees everyday as a new challenge...and in a way that only babies and children alone can see...these challenges are exciting and anew every morning... no Mondays are dreaded, no due dates on when to learn how to say mama.
Not to mention being on eyelevel with past cheerios and lint..everyday has an eliete menu planned in advance.
Well that's about it this Sunday morning, this week does bring a new challenge for the whole crew...Chris and I are going out for the first time in 8 and 1/2 months..( Chris' birthday ) and it will be his first night sans mama and daddy.i look forward to it and dread it at the same time.
I'll fill you in on pre-game and post game.(ha)
I'll also take the liberty to assume that all of you would like me to hug and kiss spencer for you. I will gladly add to the 1,000,000,000 hugs and kisses he recieves from mama and daddy.
until later spencerfiles!
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