Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Monday, January 19, 2004

Hey there all...
well the lil man we all know and love is doing fine...he is, I have discovered, a bit of an overachiever. Already he is using his new crawling skills to get to the couch to try to stand up! OH boy!He is constant movement our guy, and there is much to blab about....a constant run-on sentence of de de dah dah ( yes very close to dada.) bee bblahh..etc and so on...almost like the police song it is!
I would just love to know what those little words mean, and what he thinks he is saying..sometimes it seems obvious, othertimes it's he seems to be talking to his own little audience.Either way it's beautiful and he could blab on forever as far as I'm concerned!
Not much more today, he's healthy, he's happy, and therfore so are we.
more later maybe!


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