Today something quite..charming happened. I was charmed anyhow. :)
While sitting in his room ( I'm trying to get him gradually more and more used to his bedroom so it's a place he likes to go instead of the room that seperates me from mama, daddy, and that eluisive vcr that he is so inchanted with) this afternoon, we ran the gamet of games to play,( most of them with the subtitle.".No no no no that's not for babies..THIS is for babies ) so I started to sing to him- one of my favorite things to do. Now I'm trying to introduce Patty-cake Patty Cake to he can start getting those lil chubby hands clapping.
Well as par usual, I change a few words to every song and in the end pat-a-cake ends up being .."roll spencer and mama a cookie as fast as you can!" After the song being over I usually imitate our nerotic friend Cookie Monster..( he's got such a complex about eating the letter/cookie of the day..real issues...)and today ( here comes the end of the story..yay!) As I imitated Mr. Cookie Monster-Spencer looked right up and over to the wall where I have set up a kind of Warholesque collage of his seseame street friends. he was looking right at C. Monster! AND wait...he did it more than once!
maybe he can tutor mama and daddy.
that's all for now folks.
we're fine and Spencer is a genius.