oh yeah!!
AQUA BOY TO THE RESCUE!! RUNAWAY BUBBLEMOBILES ON THE LOOSE!!the first one I made up, but the second one was strait from spencer's mouth this eve as he took his convertible hot rod from the soapy bath. many things are "running away!" or "on the loose" to spencer, it's quite funny. leaves, cars, babies.the aqua boy reference is because he is ( or must be ) aqua boy. standing next to mama while she does the dishes, he will also do his " dishes" cars,ducks, and sometimes sippy cups.he could do this for hours and has lamented very loudly ( to the point to where I'm sure my landlady could hear it..) "I WANNA DO THE DISHES!!" laments at high decimals seem to be the flavor of the day, ranging from " I don't like that! I don't like that!" to "Wanna be in Mama's arms, WANNNNNNNUUUHHHHH BEEEEEEE INNNNN MAAAAAAHHHHHMMMMMAAAA's ARMS!" "Want to say GOODBYE! and/or THANK YOU!!!" goodbye usually when his very patient friend, Justine ( also two) comes knocking at the door, and thank you when he wants to be given back something that another child has "borrowed" from him at the playground.( ie if said lendee gives toy back, spencer bestows a rather rightous "thank YOU" upon them.) that's right the "mine" stage has started. it's not as bad as I thought it might be, at the moment, but everything definetly gets labled "this is my drink", " this is my car",this is my __________. you get the picture. but with this is also coming an extra dose of indivduality in the way he presents himself, making his own mind up about such important things as lunch and what clothes to wear is challenging but interesting. he is so personable and so smart! and somewhat cunning " No means yes" is also a new favorite saying. that one is not so interesting as it is infuriating, but ahh well. All actions are now pointed out as iscontinual questioning to what or where we are doing/going to, et al. SO curious. heh. ahem.When I told him that no we probably weren't going to watch nemo today he looked at me with all sciencerty and said
"I bet that's a joke!"he also enjoys playing like he is a dog and getting bones. this one is kinda new but it's funny. justine likes it to and when she left today, he smiled and said " goodbye doggie!" it was the most polite goodbye yet. I know it's becasue he's so in love with her that he treats her so cruely. (heh)Spencer also started school on tuesday, he goes from 10-5 tuesday and thursday. he took right to it the first day, the teacher noting that he put himself down for a nap !( where is this side of SLKS at home??) Thursday there was a bit of a melt down( "I want out of this room and into MAAHHHMMMUUUHHHHH's ARMS!) but by the time I picked him up all was well. He gets so many opritunities at this daycare, I am so happy for him. And proud of him, I get a few seconds to see him without him noticing I'm there when I pick up, and he just looks so independent! It's like seeing him through someone else's eyes. and he looks awesome. just plain awesome!okay.......i must get some reading done, but i wanted to let in a little about my little critter. more later.......