I must start off with a garuntee to all you faithful readers of WTWBG.
Being that this is a blog, you can rest assured that all the information is coming STRAIT from the source, and has not been tampered with. So when you read that Jennifer Aniston is now dating Spencer in order to get back at Brad Pitt, please do check by and clarify the info. I think Spencer is more of a Maria from Sesame Street kinda guy, but hey you never know.
Hopefully Mama will be numero uno in his heart for a little while longer.
Well summer is finally peeking around the corner here in the "great" NW. At least she is pretending to . After last week when the tempreture rarely topped 50 and the sky seemed to be spitting down rain I will take what ever Mother Nautre decides to dole out.
Why? Spencer and I LOVE IT!
Really there is a notable change in mood all around the house and of course we spend more time out of the house, Spencer's favorite place of all. We visit the park of course but our "back aard" seems to be winning the race of "Hot Places for Toddler Fun 2005". We have a pool to set up for him, plenty of sidewalk "chops"[chalk] and sidewalk to use it on.
Chris and I finally purchased a lwan mower and the rainforest that also presided is now a beautiful well kept lawn. Spencer is still a little wary of walking upon it's somewhat bumpy surface, but he's getting more courageous everyday.
He likes to crawl into the bath[ fully clothed mind you] attempt to marvel John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever...again in the bathtub, and climb upon everything that can..be climbed upon.
You know, when you reach two, you're offically invinsible.
I let you know where to send the get well cards when I OFFICALLY have a heart attack.
I am very proud of him though, it's ...he's ......... well our hands are FULL.
This summer will also bring swim lessons. As much as I love swimming I thought it would be a nice pastime to slowly lumber into. Spencer Louis instead thinks he is a fish already!
I said something about the aforementioned lessons while bathing him and he flopped over, starting doing a variation of the crawl, blowing bubbles into the water, and finally shouted :
"Like Swimmin in the Ocean!!!, Like Swimming in the Ocean!!"
Looks like a busy summer huh?
more later, I have more tales, especially concerning HOW MUCH HE TALKS.
( and sings)
but after the bathtub. shorts, I have to rest a while.
Being that this is a blog, you can rest assured that all the information is coming STRAIT from the source, and has not been tampered with. So when you read that Jennifer Aniston is now dating Spencer in order to get back at Brad Pitt, please do check by and clarify the info. I think Spencer is more of a Maria from Sesame Street kinda guy, but hey you never know.
Hopefully Mama will be numero uno in his heart for a little while longer.
Well summer is finally peeking around the corner here in the "great" NW. At least she is pretending to . After last week when the tempreture rarely topped 50 and the sky seemed to be spitting down rain I will take what ever Mother Nautre decides to dole out.
Why? Spencer and I LOVE IT!
Really there is a notable change in mood all around the house and of course we spend more time out of the house, Spencer's favorite place of all. We visit the park of course but our "back aard" seems to be winning the race of "Hot Places for Toddler Fun 2005". We have a pool to set up for him, plenty of sidewalk "chops"[chalk] and sidewalk to use it on.
Chris and I finally purchased a lwan mower and the rainforest that also presided is now a beautiful well kept lawn. Spencer is still a little wary of walking upon it's somewhat bumpy surface, but he's getting more courageous everyday.
He likes to crawl into the bath[ fully clothed mind you] attempt to marvel John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever...again in the bathtub, and climb upon everything that can..be climbed upon.
You know, when you reach two, you're offically invinsible.
I let you know where to send the get well cards when I OFFICALLY have a heart attack.
I am very proud of him though, it's ...he's ......... well our hands are FULL.
This summer will also bring swim lessons. As much as I love swimming I thought it would be a nice pastime to slowly lumber into. Spencer Louis instead thinks he is a fish already!
I said something about the aforementioned lessons while bathing him and he flopped over, starting doing a variation of the crawl, blowing bubbles into the water, and finally shouted :
"Like Swimmin in the Ocean!!!, Like Swimming in the Ocean!!"
Looks like a busy summer huh?
more later, I have more tales, especially concerning HOW MUCH HE TALKS.
( and sings)
but after the bathtub. shorts, I have to rest a while.