Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Well Spencer is livin large in North Carolina with his Nana and Paw Paw.
He made out like a bandit this Christmas! A very very happy bandit too.
He has an entire train set and is lovin it.
More later.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Well here comes somebodies second Christmas!
This year he seems to have a little better grasp of what the whole holiday season is. ( or at least that it is a special time of year..) Mama has been singing him "Santa Clause is Commin to Town"
"Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer" what I can remember of "Frosty the Snowman" and a new classic, "Daddies puttin up the Christmas Wreath" It goes a lil somthing like this..

"Daddies puttin up the Christmas Wreath,
Green Jingly Bells with a Big Red Bow Underneath,
Daddies puttin up the Christmas Wreath,
It must be Christmas Tiiiimmmeeee"

"Christmas Time is a real good time of year,
Everybody so happy
and full of cheer.
Daddies puttin up the Christmas Wreath,

As you might have guessed I made that one up. We're going to visit Chris' mother and sister in North Carolina this year and decided not to put a Christmas tree, but still wanting to make it special for our lil man, we have hung up stockings and placed a wreath on the front door.
I'm sure lights will follow as soon as finals are over.
Spencer is really getting to be a pro at walking, I'd say 85% of time spent moving is on two legs instead of four. He does all versions, hand over hand against the wall, holding my hand, ( only one) and Frankensteinesque crossings of the room. He has also managed to carry his cement truck and Thomas the Train in each hand and make it across the room.
Quite a feat.
He has also become quite the aper, usually choosing the main noun or verb from our sentences.
"Ooookkkay, oooookkkkaayy!"
"Supah, supah!"
"TOMMMEEEE!" (for thomas the train)/ Elmo ( I hate to admit THAT one...)
he also has captured "Apppah juce"
"Alll dun!"
"Ahhh gun!"
"Clawds" ( clouds)
"Cawer" ( cars )
and is also learning various animal sounds. ( moo, mreowwww,panting like a doggggiiiiieeeee)
Today we made fruit stew ( plastic fruit stew that is) for Elmo, mama and baby chimpanzee, polar bear, horsie ( yet to be named ) and Blue Bear. It was quite fun. He loves to nurish his lil babes. Just yesterday he was quite fond of a little "OshKosh" tag with a baby on it and was trying to give it a sip of apppah juce. He also seemed to admit this lil guy as a new friend which was quite amusing, he played peek a boo with him, kissed his little nose....ahhh so sweet.
Not to say that he isn't without tantrum in the "Hey! I am SOMEBODY and I will let you know what I feel! and that is NO!" arena. very little I say happily, it just seems to be a major spot of contention when we try to put a diaper back on. Hey when it's off, or when he's in the bath he couldn't be happier.....well who could blame him?
I mentioned finals earlier. Yes. Finals. I need to study just wanted to add a few notes.
More later.