Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Monday, October 04, 2004

I have a few minutes here at school to add a few notes...I know I know long time no hear right? RIGHT!
We've been SO busy!!!
Spencer in daycare twice a week, loves it, barely notices were gone.
Really taking to all the outdoor play, fun cars, and new friends.
Mama misses him, but he seems to get a long just fine.
New words?
Oh.....okay I'll try.
Milk ( or close)
Cool ( sounds like kewl...)
Bus ( which he LOVES riding by the way )
ZuZu (name of beloved giraffeesque animal on wheels)
Bye Bye ( with purpose )
Wa Wa ( points and squeals as we drive over the willamate river)
GO GO GO GO GO! ( to almost everything and everybody )

okay there are a lot more but this lil mama needs to get to class pronto, so I'll add a bit later.
suffice it to say he is fine, happy,happy,happy healthy and growing into more of a little lovebug everyday.
you won't believe your eyes when you see him I promice!
bye bye. ( with purpose)