Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Friday, April 30, 2004

hey there!
i know long time no totally exciting SPencer news!
I won't start with the woes of my computer, jsut suffice it to say the last three times I have tried to even log into in the Blogger site to write something, it immediately freezes up. Ironic huh?
well just a few notes,our little man has a new found obsession....BATHTIME!!
Which for him I think could be all day long, just as long as he had "lunch breaks" every now and then. As soon as the door that sepreates the living room and the hall leading to the bathroom is open OFF! our little man goes, all the while babbling "Bat! Bat!" and he has learned how to hustle to make it to bathside.I cant think of many things cuter than to see SPencer wiggling down the hall, his little behind swaying as he crawls to get to his beloved bath. When actually in said bath, he jsut goes crazy, everything is fun including a used dishwashing soap bottle that mom squirts directly at him, I honestly think that the last few baths has made his face cleaner than it's ever been in his 11 months! He is also getting the hang of using his Pooh Bear toothbrush all by his self , as he would not let mama even try that.(sigh) I brush my teeth with him and he's getting better and better each night, actually sticking the brush end in his mouth instead of the Pooh end. I would hate to think anyone heard us during this oral extravangaza, me saying "Brush your teeth with Pooh!" and him laughing heartly afterwards.(heh)
When the weather is nice ( and it has been 86 degrees today?) we have been going outside and to the park for swinging and romping around in the cool grass.He is very inamoured by dandylions and has a hard time deciding weither or not he should taste them or give mama a present.So far I'd say it's about 50/50.
I cannot believe that Spencer is going to be a full year old next month, it almost breaks my heart, it is hard to see new babies now and think to myself : "He will never be that tiny and innocent again...he might not always need me like he did then!"and so on and so forth. No matter what the case though I will always love him, not only because he is my baby,( and ALWAYS WILL BE thank you VERY much!) but for the little person, unique and wonderful that I see him becoming...a full year! wow! what a lucky person I am.
and you are too....lucky my computer held up today! :)
more later i'm sure.
take care and know we love you!

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I am trusting for a few wee moments that our computer will allow me to get out a message to all you faithul Spencer heads on today, April 13,2004 when he turns 11 months.
I cannot believe we've made it this far, and that a but one month away he will be a whole complete 12 months, a full year. On to the single digits I guess. :)
The weather here in Portland is super, we have been able to get out to the park and just out and about in general almost every day this month. He LOVES to swing, and is getting used to slding down the slide with mama, and tromping around in the nice cool grass outside of the play ground.He gets to see many dogs, which he has nothing but good incounters with so far, so he loves them too. On Easter we took a small stroll over to our old apartments and payed our former landlady a visit. Now her daughter has two daughters herself, ( who go gaga over Spencer ) and they in turn had two pet rats! Now I know what you're thinking, hey I know what I was thinking, but in non feral form rats are pretty cute. My point being, Spencer got to meet them and they were very friendly and playful, even ( while being held mind you ) brushed their little whiskers against his ears. Spencer just laughed and tried reaching out for them of course, but it is really something to see him interact with not only children, but animals as well. He has such a keen eye, and such a big heart, he will probably be asking for some sort of pet pretty early on....I would opt for a cat myself, but Chris is allergic. :( Ah well...we will cross that bridge when we come to it, although I believe it won't be that hard to convince mama and daddy to get a pet.
He is still learning to walk, every morning puncutated by "lessons" consisting of me taking a favorite toy and placing it on the oppisite end of the couch where he toddles over very exciteedly, seeming to push it just out of grasp so that he has to work a little harder on those balencing skills.
There have been a few times that he as stood on his own ,hands flaying in
the air and a very cheeky grin on his face,but alas these instances only last but a few seconds..but he seems more than ready to take the plunge.
I intend on practicing boo boo kissing techniques in the months to come.
And being able to wipe away my own tears quickly before anyone sees them, be they from laughter or sadness.
His babbling has become more constructed every day and he is a fan like his mama, of having very detailed conversations with himself.
the computer is starting her freezing ritual, don't worry we hope to have this cleared up in a few days.
more later i promice!
take care all.