Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Well tommorrow is Father's day, so I thought that I would let you in on a little bit about the realtionship between Chris and Spencer.
To start off with, I'm pretty sure that Spencer believes that his Daddy did in fact hang the moon, the stars, and maybe had a little bit to do with the general layout of both our Sun and universe.
I guess you could say that Spencer likes his Daddy, just a bit. He stayed by his Mama's side while he was inside, keeping up with numerous drives to the doctors, numersous drives to the Goodwill to by ANOTHER size larger clothing item, and many drives to the store for inumerial cravings.Despite that last bit, he always made sure that Mama lived on something besides donuts, which at times, Mama was sure she could have done.
He was there when Spencer came into this world and dealt with the woman once called Jennifer that had morphed into the infamous beast that goes only by the name: "JUSTGIVEMEANEPIDURALNOW!" and yes; that is all one word.One very long,very loud, word.
He gave Spencer his first bath, and to this date, the picture of this event, with one very tired, proud, daddy cradeling a wee baby beneath a water faucet is my favorite. Okay, one of my top 3 favorites, but I digress.
From the very beginning, these two have been like two peas in a pod. Many nights of colic were soothed and maintained by Daddy, early diapers ( and you know the EARLY diapers...AHEM) changed, many silly songs that mama seemed to consider daily language, quickly learned and repeated.
Always quick to pick him out from his prison ( play pen, grocery cart, crib ) he plays with him, and from many lessons learned and book passages read, on his level, or as much as we adults understand.At work, a collection of photos in his waiter book to show off, or possibly ( and I'm not sure on this one, but I know that when things get tough I do this) just to take a quick gaze at and remind him of this wonderful,funny,sometimes odd,sometimes cranky,food throwing,duck loving,miracle that we some how are lucky enough to call our son.
And there is no doubting that. NONE what so ever, Chris Smith LOVES his baby boy almost as much as Spencer loves daddy.
Many things lie ahead of us, but with that kind of love, he will always deserve a most happy fathers day.
We love you Chris/Daddy.
Happy Father's Day.


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