Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Saturday, June 12, 2004

The computer, knock on semuliated wood grain, is working, at least it was until I announced it. Ahh well I will try and get a few little things about the one the only the cutie pahtootie Spencer Louis Kautt Smith.
He is a learning machine!! Pointing at EVERYTHING! When
Mama says " Yes that's Saturn on your nightlight!" he turns
his head,looks
at either one of his walls and there it is to point at! This shocked me the first time, but now is a part of the regular nightly routine.And it's hard to say weither or not sleepy time has gotten easier now that he is older. On the one hand he is SOOOOO busy during the day ( the fave game at the moment? "I'mmmaaa gonnnaaaa get youuuu!") that he tires himself
out by bedtime, but then again he wants to stay up and learn so much that it's often a small battle. But any battle is worth it when you think of that smiling face and that SUPER cute little hiney crawling at break-neck speed down the hallway, not to mention a squeal that I'm sure will someday break a glass.
He is also quite farmilar with turning mama or daddy's hand over dilbertly putting his sippy cup into our hands then pointing to desired beverage.
chris and I are going to go ahead and buy tuxes, since it will give us more money to spend on his Lordship and less to put into the butler/maid outfit weekly rental jar.
His communication skills are growing
everyday as well, included are dah (long a ) for dog, duck almost completly, the beginnings to "Big Bird " which sounds like Bih Buh, daddy of coourse, and I think that he has mastered diaper, but nobody seems to go along with me. Ahh well I guess that you have to be the one who changes most of them to understand. ( no disrespect for daddy of course) and also "din din" for dinner.
I am sure that I am leaving out something but I am trying to comply with the computer time I have alloted. I can always add more. :)
Also, and this would probably have to be my favorite, ( like I have one really ...) but he can give eskimo kisses, stopping mid nurse, or game, to simply cuddle up to myself or chris. ohh what a wonderful, beautiful feeling, that warm little nose,plump little cheeks and that somehow always sweet babybreath.
a smile always follows and now that he is more cordniated with his hands he has even grabbed OUR cheeks from time to time.ohh my heart just sits puzzled at this love that I feel! And as I am sure some of you have seen his hair is SOOOOO long. with those curls and a smile he sometimes looks like a little angel.
Not that he dosen't have the ability to act like a little devil.
and that lil devil has arisen from his nap so I must bid you adieu.
more later.


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