Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Just a short note before I shower, Spencer stood up sans support in his play pin on Tuesday, arms out stretched, whirling quickly for purchase, a quick smile to me to make sure I was watching and then a soft landing on a pillow adorned with a vintage M.Mouse Club pillow case. It was beautiful.
Also, it looks as though we are just going to have to start taking showers.
ahh well, he leaned over and gave me an Eskimo kiss while taking one tonight, so he's happy, I'm happy, I'm wet, he's clean.
Plus I was surfing tonight and came along babel fish the translator site, and I wrote something about our lil man in GERMAN, so you Kautt's ,well you should understand it.....;) or
you can always copy and paste and just go to babel fish... I wont tell. ;)

Spencer Louis ist das schönste überhaupt geborene Baby. Sein Lachen ist wie Himmel, seiner reine Freude des Lächelns, und seine Bewegungen haben die Anmut, der nur Kinder und Engel posess.I gerade gesegnet würden, um ihn einmal zu sehen, aber haben das privledge des Sehens er täglich und lieben ihn jede Minute, jede Sekunde.


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