Watching the Wild Boy Grow

a fairly up to date description of our favorite lil man

Friday, July 08, 2005

Ironically, today was a dreary Portland day, so no pool fun. But Spencer and I did go to the librbary, for about twenty minutes, in which we read three books, ran the length of the library twice, and finally got Mr. Kautt-Smith his own offical book card that I know will come into MUCH use for the years to come.
I think that he was just a bit overwhelmed by the whole idea that there is a whole building that houses so many BOOKS and that he has as much accsess to them as he does to his beloved, worn in books at home. They also have story time, which we will no doubt visit this summer. But after that 20 minutes, ( it took us 30 to get ready?) we walked home, in the rain. Although we could have called Daddy to pick us up, it was an act in defence for a tired, disspointed mama. He of course loved it. It wasn't raining much and actaully the fresh air did us good. Spencer is also an excellent walking partner, who will always hold my hand, and always pause to look both ways. So in end, the walk was enjoyed by all.
I often mention that Spencer is a bit of a chatter box, but when I try to remember the things he says when I actually sit down to write about him, I can never remember them. Well as it has been said several times today, I will take note of it.

At one time it was somewhat of a challenge to get Spencer out of his pj's and always I would have to explain: " We can't go outside with our pajammas on, it just wouldn't make any sence!" Well this is one of his favorite sayings now when getting dressed, be it in his pj's or in to his clothes for the day. He also uses the same reasoning about getting into the tub.
He starts to climb into the tub, fully clothed, and then looks at me very matter of factly and says.." You can't wear your pajammas in the bathtub, just dosen't make any sence!" It's so funny to see him assert this logic to me as if he had stumbled upon an ancient wisdom and was now deciding to share it with his mama. His tone of voice is so prim, it's just great. I make sure to have the look of one who has finally seen the proverbial light when he shares his musings.

One day I will be able to get him to say something besides "NO." into the phone as that is how you can load sound onto these pitcular blogs. Maybe I can just hide it one bath time and hope something records, for it is priceless.

I will now bid you adieu



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